"Lolo to Lolo" 10km Classic+ 10km Skate Ski Race
Sunday March 12, 2017
Classic: 9am MST/8 am PST
Skate: 11:30am MST/10:30am PST
UPDATE: Shuttle departure times (all times in Mountain time, and remember daylight savings!!)
To Lolo Pass from Lolo Hot Springs
7:45 AM, 10 AM
To Lolo Hot Springs from Lolo Pass
11 AM, 1 PM, 2 PM
The Missoula Nordic Ski Club will be hosting a new race at Lolo pass this year (instead of the traditional Lolo to Lochsa race). The event will feature 10km classic and 10km skate races, you can either pick one ($25), or race both ($30), with awards for individual races as well as fastest combined time. Registration at https://runsignup.com/Race/MT/Lolo/LolotoLoloSkiRace.
What happened to Lolo to Lochsa?
The race was canceled the last 2 years because of unfavorable snow conditions and weather forecasts on the lower elevation portions of the trail. In order to maximize the chances of starting a race at Lolo Pass and avoid snow challenges at lower elevations, we decided to keep the race entirely at Lolo Pass this year.
What is the new race plan?
This year, we'll hold a classic race of approximately 10km, followed by a skate race of the same distance. There will be plenty of time to eat, get a cool down in, change boots and skis, and warm up again between the two races. Participants are welcome to do one or both races.
Both races will be interval start, meaning one racer takes off every 15-20 seconds or so. The starting order in the skate race will be dictated in part by the results of the classic race - we'll seed the early skate race competitors in the order they finish the classic race.
Where does the race run?
Races will start at the old Forest Service cabins on the right, just down the main ski trail from the Lolo Pass Visitor Center. Both races will basically trace one big counterclockwise loop around the perimeter of the groomed nordic ski trails. Except for some crossings, the race won't be on Forest Service Roads this year. Classic skiers, be prepared to double pole!
How much do the races cost?
$25 for one race, $30 to do both
Is there race schwag?
In an effort to keep the price of the races down, we're not doing T-shirts, hats, etc.
Will there be prizes?
Will there be an after party?
Yes - we'll do food and awards at Lolo Hot Springs after the skate race.
How can I register for the race?
Register at https://runsignup.com/Race/MT/Lolo/LolotoLoloSkiRace.
Are there any other race distances? Is there a kids' race?
Not this year. Maybe in the future.
Is there anything else I need to know?
In order to minimize impact to other folks at Lolo Pass, the Forest Service has asked that we run a shuttle to allow off-site parking. We'll run a bus shuttle between Lolo Hot Springs and Lolo Pass several times over the course of the day to transport skiers. We obviously can't require you to take the shuttle, but we do ask that you consider taking it if at all possible so that the Lolo Pass parking lot is not overburdened with cars, and so our chances of holding this event in years to come are not jeopardized. Carpooling is also strongly encouraged.